My Compassion for the orphans, the elderly, the poor and the oppressed: 

My compassion for the orphans, the elderly, the poor and the oppressed: 

During my daily talks with God the Holy Spirit, there are days when I speak of my concerns for the orphans, the elderly, the poor and the oppressed. For instance:

The Orphans

Having worked for an organization named CARC, I was moved by the inability of so many of God’s “special needs” children who are unable to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit on the level of which I am capable of having with Him. On the premise, some are deaf, unable to speak; and too, severely handicapped: mentally, emotionally and physically.

As my passion and relationship with God the Trinity grows deeper and deeper, I am consistent in seeking: wisdom, knowledge and understanding as to what happens to those who are unable to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, unable to be baptized in water or in the Holy Spirit.

However, these too, God’s “special needs” children are on my prayer wall, but God has since shown me that His “special needs” children will fall in line with His word; the last will be first and the first will be last, in short, yes we pray for them but clemency will be given.

Some of them are victims of curses resulting from generational curses unbeknownst to them, more importantly, we must and should do our part in praying and caring for them. Many of them cannot exercise their free will.

I recall receiving a call from a friend of mine who also worked with me at CARC, her name is Bess; she called me late one night, around midnight and asked if I would pray with her for Debra. As I interceded in prayer for Debra, the spiritual warfare was so intense, it took me through a travailing and spiritual warfare that lasted for about thirty minutes.

The demonic spirits that was present in Debra was many; and too, her soul wept profusely! I was astonished, I did not expect the intercessory prayer to go in that direction, but I learned a lot about God’s “special needs” children through that one intercessory prayer.

In this particular group home in which Debra lived were two other adult “special needs” individuals both of whom did not have the means to have a relationship with God on the level of which I am blessed to have, but I believe that God had planned and arranged for my short time of working there to enlighten me on a greater need on a matter that is dear to His heart.

It’s kind of like the forgotten, the out of sight out of mind. For some of these “special needs” children of God, their families place them in these group homes or other facilities and they are forgotten about.

I learned that many of them do not have family or loved ones who visit them.

One of the absolute most disturbing for me while working for CARC was the lack of compassion and respect that many of my coworkers and the staff exhibited. They were there to collect a paycheck. Their negligence and inability to connect with God’s “special needs” children were intolerable and yes I was vociferous, stressing my complaints and concerns to the top of the chain-of-command, the board of directors.

However, the bottom of that chain-of-command weren’t too happy with my audaciousness, not that that stopped me because I knew that I was doing the will of God, serving a greater chain-of-command: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

If this message is for you, I pray that you too will have compassion for God’s “special needs” children and know that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, our life is not our own, we are here for a purpose, that is to serve God. We are a key to the power of God moving here on this earth, through the Holy Spirit, to do God’s will on earth as it is in heaven, the Supernatural Acts of The Holy Spirit, God’s Spirit whom Jesus baptizes us in.

Orphans are dear to the heart of Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Messiah! God is omnipresent [he is everywhere], omnipotent [almighty and powerful] and omniscient [He knows everything].

Therefore, being baptized in the Holy Spirit we have the means to be empowered with gifts from the Holy Spirit, Supernaturally, and He gives according to His will and through our obedience of exercising and using these gifts; nurturing, cultivating, reading the bible, praying and edifying ourselves by praying in tongues without ceasing (the Holy Spirit prays without ceasing), fervent prayers.

The Holy Spirit manifests himself within us and we can become a part of the spiritual warfare that is taking place in the unseen realm, all governed by the Holy Spirit.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and ruler of the earth. We are given the tools and weapons for spiritual warfare empowering God through us, governed by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to defeat the enemy, Satan, the accuser of the brethren.
Noteworthy: As my testimony: I have many letters addressing “my issues of concerns” to CARC’s administrative staff in my library of letters to attest to this. If God is for you who can be against you [paraphrasing].


John 14:18
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world
Luke 13:30
Indeed there are those who are last who will be first, and first who will be last.
Mark 10:31
But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
Matthew 20:16
“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
God’s Dunamis Warrior Princess

Linda Abele, 9/14/2018