Synopsis & Sequel (titled):

The Gift of Eternal Life

Latif and Mom 2Note: The Synopsis and Sequel combined is 39 pages, too large to include here, with God's blessing you (viewers) may get to read it someday. As for my son (Latif), he received it in March 2015. All Praises to God.


My Dear Son:  Sometime during the month of March 2014 I made the decision to accept and acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I recall the time based on a gift from my beloved niece and goddaughter, Kenia, the gift of the Bible (Power for Life, Today’s New International Version, NIV), dated March 2, 2014.

Prior to Kenia’s gift I contemplated reading the Bible in its entirety for a number of reasons: (1) Throughout my life I had people quoting scriptures to me that I had no knowledge of, (2) My fiance at the time Michael (now my husband), whom I met in April of 2010 around my 50th birthday is a Christian and very knowledgeable in the word.

In the beginning of our relationship I wondered if he (Michael) was simply trying to impress me, but as our relationship blossomed I came to realize he was the real thing, I’m smiling right now, and (3) I desired to know God and Jesus Christ.

Now, one might say number three should have been first, but I give credence and acknowledgement to the fact that Michael (my Husband) was truly instrumental in my wanting this relationship with God.

As our relationship blossomed Michael would share experiences with me and always saying “The Holy Spirit” shared this with me today”, of course I became curious and I wanted to know more about the “Holy Spirit” and how does one knows when the “Holy Spirit” is speaking to them. He responded with; you’ll know by the “still small voice” further quoting the scripture “my sheep know my voice”.

Then there were moments when I would get into my vehicle and Michael had the radio tuned into Klove (Christian Music) and I would turn it back to 104.9 (R&B), secular music. Gradually I started to tune into Klove and the songs started to grow on me and I got to the point of memorizing the lyrics thus realizing that in some of the songs the lyrics made reference to certain scriptures; and today, I call it my “Jesus Music”.

So, I stripped my iPod of all the secular music and now I relish starting my day worshipping via Christian and Gospel music, after my morning prayers. The music feeds my Spirit so I listen to it regardless of what I’m doing: cooking, cleaning, washing, working, etcetera.

I love the fact that Christian music feeds me spiritually thus gives me a relationship with God. And too, the book of Psalms and the book of Song of Songs, written by King Solomon, gives credence to the fact that God is a fan of music.

Accepting Christ into Your Life
Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you are the Son of God, and the only way to God. I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose again from the dead.

The Bible

The Bible is made up of 39 Books in the Old Testament and 27 Books in the New Testament for a total of 66 Books. During the Old Testament humankind of the earth were under Gods Law; however, we became under Grace when Jesus Christ was crucified and died so that our sins would be forgiven. Pretty much giving us a free ticket to heaven at the time of Jesus Christ second coming to earth.

Of all the Books there are three which I am steadfast on reading daily perhaps more so over the others on the premise they hold significance to my daily life and what’s to come. They are as follows: the book of Psalms, the book of Proverbs and the book of Revelation.

The book of Psalms:  Author: Multiple writers, including David, Solomon and Moses, written in 1450 B.C. to 430 B. C., Its Power Purpose (excerpt from my bible): A positive relationship with God is built upon praise and worship. The book of Psalms, a collection of the earliest recorded praise and worship of God, provides a place to turn when times are tough, teaching us to praise God—no matter what!

The book of Proverbs:  Author: Solomon as well as other unknown figures, written in 1000 B.C. to 700 B.C., Its Power Purpose (excerpt from my bible): The book of Proverbs is the first self-help book ever written. Who of us doesn’t desire the gift of wisdom? Well, God provides a book on how to live a wise life in the book of Proverbs. While Psalms focusses on a relationship with God, Proverbs shows us how to relate positively with others. It appears to be addressed primarily to young people, but we can all learn in this book that success and significance in life begin and end with a life committed to God.

The book of Revelation:  Author: The apostle John, written Around A.D. 90, Its Power Purpose (excerpt from my bible): Through a series of visions given to John, God revealed to us the glory awaiting us in the second coming of Christ and when we join him in heaven. The powerful promises embedded in this book include the assurance that all things will be made new: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain” (Revelation 21:4).

Noteworthy: This synopsis & sequel, which consist of 39 pages was gifted to my son in March 2015.


God's Dunamis Warrior Princess

Matthew 19:13-15 New International Version (NIV)

The Little Children and Jesus

13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.

14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.



Linda Abele, 3/15/2018