Greetings from Dr. Cynthia (Freeman) Morris... 

Greetings dear Abele Family!  I Thessalonians 3:13 states “May He established your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.” Jesus is coming soon dear saints of God! Praise the Lord!  And He is coming back for a Holy Church without spot or blemish (Ephesians 5:27). As the Body of Christ we need to have a heart for holiness if we hope to live up to God’s standards of holy living.  The Spirit of God impressed upon my heart to do an extensive teaching on holiness, because many churches and church leaders are failing to do so. During my grandmother’s time the sanctified holiness church understood the importance of holiness. And were not afraid to be called “holy rollers.”  Some called them extreme, but at least they did not shy away from or deny the need for holiness.  Today’s Church is so contemporary and sophisticated there is no distinction between it and the world.  They overplay their “get out of sin grace card” to justify sinning while ignoring and undermining the commandment for holy living.  The world we live in today has no regard for holiness, but the Church should and must.  The Bible has much to say on the topic.  God has a great expectation that His Church will follow His commandment and be holy as He is holy. 

Most individuals have a misunderstanding or have been incorrectly taught on what holiness really is.  So what is holiness?  And why is holiness so important to God and His Church?

Holiness is defined as the process, quality and condition of a holy disposition and the quality of holiness in personal conduct.  It is the principle that separates the believer from the world.  Holiness consecrates us to God’s service spirit, soul, and body.  It is finding fulfillment in moral dedication and a life committed to purity.  It causes every component of our character to stand God’s inspection and meet His approval (Jack Hayford, Spirit Filled Bible NKJV Translation, Commentary).   Holiness is not as much about the external as it is the internal. The old Christian song states it perfectly, “Holiness is something on the inside working on the outside bringing about a change in my life.”   Why is holiness important?  Simply stated because God says it is.  And that settles it!  However, the reasons are extensive and elaborated in the definition stated above. 

First and foremost God is a holy God.  And He is calling us to a life of holiness.  I Peter 1:16 states “For the Scriptures say, “Be you holy for I am holy.”  God is flawless, pure, and without sin.  Holiness is at the heart of His character.  If God ever sinned or placed His approval upon sin, He would cease to be God.  He is the standard bearer of holiness and places a demand on us to follow His lead.  If you are a born-again believer, you can by the grace of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit live a life of holiness.  Through the redemptive work of Christ God has given you the supernatural ability to do so. 

God cannot use an unclean vessel, which is why we need to lay our hearts and lives open for the Holy Spirit’s inspection.  As He exposes areas of sin in our lives, we must repent so we can maintain our right standing with God.  We cannot be in His service unless we completely dedicate ourselves to living a life of holiness.  We must determine in our hearts that we will come out of the world and not touch unclean things and engage in sinful behavior.  This means our conduct, conversation, and attitudes must be pure.  Purity should be our purpose if we want to please God and be used by Him.  I Thessalonians 4:7-8 states “For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.  Therefore, he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit.”  The old sanctified preachers said it right, “It’s holiness or hell!”  Without holiness no man shall see the Lord! We are to pursue holiness! (Hebrews 12:14)! Some people do not want to hear this, because they want to live life on their own terms and not according to scripture.  And committing to a life of holiness will place too great of a demand on them. 

Isaiah 35:8-9 states “A highway shall be there, and a road.  And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness.  The unclean shall not pass over it. But it shall be for others.  The redeemed shall walk there.”   We are the blood bought; blood washed redeemed of the Lord so we must walk the path of holiness in these evil times.  We must resist sin and hold fast to holiness.  God has made us righteous through Jesus Christ and sanctified, set us apart to be used for His Glory. When we live holy, we are approved by God to do His will.  Come out of this world system and be separate says the Lord! Be you holy as I am holy!

Have a blessed week. I love you all ?