Greetings from Dr. Cynthia (Freeman) Morris... 

Greetings Abele Family!  Philippians 2:14 Ben Campbell Johnson Paraphrase states “Live your life without complaining and arguing, so that you will be in practice the children of God that you really are-without guilt, hostility, and criticism.  Then, in the midst of a nation full of guilt and hostility, you will shine like flood-lights on a dark night.”  We are not called to complain, but to be content, complete in Christ Jesus regardless of the circumstances.  Complaining is defined as the expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something or with someone (Oxford Dictionary).  The United States of America is one of the richest countries on the face of the planet, yet people with so much show such little appreciation for the many blessings God has bestowed upon this nation.   We complain about everything from not having enough money, education, a bigger house, a newer car, a promotion at work, the list goes on and on.  Resulting in individuals and families who are deeply dissatisfied with themselves and their lives.  Nothing ever seems to be enough for them. So, why do people continuously complain?

Oftentimes people forget how much God has blessed them.  The children of Israel died in the desert because they were stiffed neck, rebellious, and complained against God and Moses (Numbers chapter 14).  They kept looking back to Egypt and wishing for the good ole days.  Constant complaining reveals a lack of real gratitude.  The Israelites lacked a true attitude of gratitude for all that God had done for them.  They were an unthankful and rebellious people and as a result everyone 20 years and older except for Joshua and Caleb died in the desert.  They never entered the promise land as God intended.  Complaining will never produce the “land flowing with milk and honey” experience God promised to Abraham and his descendants, which includes us the seed of Abraham.  Constant complaining will short circuit God’s best for us and our families.  Lest we forget, may the Lord continuously put us in remembrance of His goodness and mercy He has demonstrated and continues to perform in our lives. 

People complain because they fail to rehearse how God has blessed them in the past.  When we meditate on and talk about all God has accomplished in our lives, we do not have time to complain.  It helps us keep perspective on who God is and who we are in Him.  Complaining is counterproductive in cultivating a successful Christian life.  Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the blessings of God we become preoccupied with what the world, flesh, and the devil are doing in our lives; or what the news is reporting on national and world events.  We need to spend more time praising God.  We need to walk more in the spirit and forsake fleshly, carnal ways.  We need to spend more time in the Word of God.  God is not obligated to bring our complaints to pass. He is only obligated to perform His Word (Jeremiah 1:12).  So, speak the Word!

Some individuals complain because they are under the control of demonic influences.  Sadly, these people like the demon spirits that spiritually manipulate them enjoy complaining.  They have been taken captive by the words, the complaints of their mouth (Proverbs 6:2).  Unless and until they are delivered from this spiritual stronghold, they are unable to disengage from their constant complaining.  Another term for complaining is fault finding.  Some people find fault with others and situations as if there is some sort of reward for doing so.  Satan is the accuser of the brethren always pointing out our weaknesses and inadequacies (Revelation 10:12).  Stop looking for the worst in people and by the grace of God and with the help of the Holy Spirit begin to see, say, and believe the best in others. 

There is a difference between constant complaining and stating a problem.  Certainly, without question there are serious problems taking place in the world, the church, and families, which should not be minimized or ignored.  However, we must not allow that to dominate the discourse in our lives with God and others.  Rather, we are commanded to speak the Word of God over these difficult situations and people if we desire to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.  We have too many crybabies in the church.  Constant complaining is a sign of spiritual immaturity.  It is time to grow up!  The world complains because that is all they know how to do.  As Christians, we are better than that.  We must stop whining and start working the Word of God in our lives and situations.  We are to hold fast to our confidence in the Lord our God, not our complaints!

Have a blessed week.  I love you all ?