“Standing-in-the-Gap” as an Intercessor for the Kingdom of God: The Holy Trinity…

Dear God: The Holy Trinity, thank You for all that you do for me, thank You for Your grace and mercy that You bestow upon me each day, as well as upon those whom I intercede in prayer for. Thank You for wisdom, knowledge and understanding as I continue to “stand-in-the-gap” as an intercessor for Your Kingdom, thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

My Testimony

After my encounter with God: The Holy Trinity, February 27, 2016, during one of my many acts of travailing’s, governed by the Holy Spirit, God spoke through me; addressing Satan, The Devil: He said to Satan, no more can you come up here and accuse my child, before you have her, I will snatch her up here with me. WHOA! That was deep, but so moving to hear God speak those words through me. Unbeknownst to me during these travailing’s I had not realized that that was happening, Satan the accuser going to and fro accusing me.


When God calls on His prayer warriors to “stand-in-the-gap”, governed by the Holy Spirit, His purpose is far greater than we can began to ever imagine the number of lives that are touched through intercessory prayer and travailing’s

The Curveball

After taking in my God-mother (Ella Ruth) due to the fact that she was homeless and claimed to have nowhere else to go because her six adult children were also homeless due to the aftermath of Hurricanes: Laura and Delta, I had a talk with God relative to the fact that I did not see this curveball coming (the Holy Spirit was smiling with me); nonetheless, I was prepared to do the honorable thing, putting aside the fact that we had limited space and yes this would be yet another means of having to rearrange our living status.

I am thankful that our Heavenly Father has a sense of humor and I am also thankful that I can go to my chain-of-command: The Holy Trinity about every matter of concern. A means of perpetual guidance; always there and available, trusting in Him with all my heart, leaning not on my own understanding.

The Relentless Gripping Travailing’s

(November 24th through 28th)

On the first evening of the arrival of my God-mother, Ella, I started to travail intensely with this gripping within my belly, granted, I had been undergoing a number of travailing’s, but these were different and every night, at sundown, these gripping and lengthy travailing’s would come upon me, governed by the Holy Spirit. My best means of explaining this was that the Holy Spirit was grieving within me, intensely!!! Travailing’s, remember, are matters that are dear to the heart of God. 

Around the fourth evening of these gripping travailing’s I began counseling with the Holy Spirit, trying to understand, what was happening. I knew that God had shown me the coming of “The Climax” so I thought that these travailing’s were relative to “The Climax” to come.

Then The Holy Spirit reminded me about the new guest in my home, at this point I started to press in, I needed some perpetual guidance. I started to think on the level of what would Jesus Christ do, my objective always is to “please my Heavenly Father”.

The Next Day (Day 5)

I started to connect the dots, which amounted to a Trail of Lies and Deceit. Yes, even 77 year olds have their demons and unclean spirits too. So, I pressed in asking about her children and the fact that since she had been in my home and presence that there was little to no communication from her children or grandchildren with the exception of one son; she calls him Junior.


The Beginning of the Trail of Lies and Deceit

  • The woman that drove her to my home had in fact offered her to live with her, but my God-mother later revealed that she could not stay with her because she was not clean and had dogs.
  • Two days after another inquiry as to whether or not she had heard from Renee (oldest daughter), she revealed that she was back in town and had gotten a home not far from where she lived before.
  • This same conversation revealed that daughter number two lived in a home with rooms the size of match boxes, too small.
  • A heated discussion on the phone with son Junior revealed that he was at least trying to gather funds to put her in a hotel, but she was prideful and did not appreciate his asking for funds to assist her.

Big Eyes, Big Ears, Small Mouth

Up to this point, I was exercising big eyes, big ears and small mouth coupled with continued counseling with the Holy Spirit. So then, I started to press in, inquiring about her lack of communication and relationship with her children. One of my concerns was if something happened to her while in our care, we had no one to contact, she was being very guarded about revealing any information about her children and relatives. None of this made any sense to me. What was she hiding and/ or protecting?

On this day, of pressing in, one last ditch effort to understand why is it that none of her children and/ or grandchildren was checking on her welfare and safety.

The Demons and Unclean Spirits Exposed

For lack of a better phrase, God-mother became unglued, her true identity started to show true colors. She went off, telling me to “mind my business” and that her children’s concern for her was none of my business. I knew that I had touched a rather sensitive nerve, BUT, I was not going to allow that to deter me from pressing in.

So, I reminded my God-mother that the day she showed up and knocked on my door, her business became my business. I reminded her that she was in my home and that she would not come into my home and disrespect me, boundaries were being crossed and it was evident that she had burned a few bridges with others, at this point.

So she said, do you want me to leave. I said to her three times; the question is; do you want to leave, there is the door, have at it!!!

It was a shouting match, I knew I was dealing with an unclean spirit and it was not going to have its way!!! Nontheless, she never went for the exit, she remained seated. Then I asked, if I was to call your children right now, what will they say to me? She replied in a defiant manner, they will probably curse you out. SERIOUSLY, I THOUGHT! IS THAT ALL THEY GOT! I CAN DEAL WITH THAT SEVEN DAYS A WEEK AND TWICE ON SUNDAY.

Then, I sat next to her, and looked into her eyes and said: I am a God Fearing woman and the God that I serve did not give me a Spirit of Fear.

Then, I said to her that Michael and I had visited the Housing Authority to inquire on the protocol for finding placement in a crisis. This would mark my second visit to the Housing Authority, the first was with my God-mother.

Sadly, on this visit I was reminded again of the many who were homeless, oppressed, broken and desperate. There was a young man there pleading for himself and his family, including his mother who were all piled into one vehicle with nowhere to go.

Noteworthy: God-mother, did not appreciate my visiting the Housing Authority, again, she stated that this was none of my business and that I did not have her permission. SERIOUSLY! I reminded her, I did not need her permission to inquire on the Housing Authority protocol and that I was not only acting on her behalf, but on behalf of others who are in this same predicament as her, she laughed, and said you don’t know those people.

Ignorance is bliss! As an intercessor one does not need to personally no someone in order to intercede on their behalf.

The Vision

Recall, upon arrival to my home, my God-mother and I was talking and she shared with me a vision that she had of Two Trees and a man standing in the middle of the two trees.

During a moment of counseling with the Holy Spirit and interceding in prayer, The Holy Spirit reminded me of the Vision thus revealing that these were the trees of Good and Evil and the man in the middle was me “standing-in-the-gap”, As our Lord Jesus Christ does for us, going before our Heavenly Father. HALLELUJAH!!! JESUS CHRIST IS OUR HIGH PRIEST!!! WE TAKE OUR PRAYERS TO HIM.

John 3:16

New King James Version

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

During my counseling session with The Holy Spirit, He shared with me that my God-mother is a bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, person. He said bitter, several times. He also stated that my deed was done and that she would be leaving soon. I was pleased to hear those words, because my God-mother’s bitterness and disrespectfulness had exhausted her welcome; however, I knew I had to exercise patience, obedience to God’s timing for matters to work according to God’s plan and will.

Lo-and-behold a couple of days later, God-mother announced that she was leaving to go and spend a couple of nights with a cousin who lived in Vinton, about thirty minutes from my home. To this date, I have not heard from her. God’s will be done!

Noteworthy: There are a great many of scriptures relative to “bitterness”

Proverbs 14:10

New King James Version

10 The heart knows its own bitterness,

And a stranger does not share its joy.

Isaiah 5:20
New King James Version
20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Proverbs 5:3-5
New King James Version
For the lips of [a]an immoral woman drip honey,
And her mouth is smoother than oil;
But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
Sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death,
Her steps lay hold of [

Meanwhile, the trail of lies continued, but the gripping travailing’s had subsided, affirmation that I was moving according to God’s will and plan. The evil spirit that my God-mother is courting is a “spirit of bitterness”. When one embraces and depicts acts of discord this demeanor grieves the Holy Spirit, quenches the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Note: See my Blog on Quenching the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 12:22

22 Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
But those who deal truthfully are His delight.

Proverbs 14:25
New King James Version
25 A true witness [a]delivers souls,
But a deceitful witness speaks lies.

Proverbs 18:21
New King James Version
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.

As travailing prayer warriors, God uses us via the Holy Spirit to
“stand-in-the-gap” for His Will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is opened up around us, the courts of Heaven, God’s Heavenly Courts, His righteousness prevails. We may or may not know the outcome of our intercessory prayers. As for me, God shares with me, down the chain-of-command through our High Priest Jesus Christ what He wants me to know, these are some of the mysteries of our Heavenly Father. Think of it as a means of our inheritance sharing in that which is The Son of God and Son of Man: Jesus Christ.


Recall the fact that I shared with you all in a previous Blog that my God-mother shared the fact that she was a prayer warrior too. Here’s the problem with that, she’s a Catholic and conditioned to believe that it is acceptable to pray to Angels: i.e. St. Anthony among others.

Here is the problem with that, our God is a jealous God, a Consuming Fire. We do not pray to no one other than our Creator, Angels are servants of God they are not to be treated as equal to God. Remember Lucifer: aka; Satan, The Devil, his pride and deceit got him kicked out of God’s Kingdom on the premise Lucifer wanted to be equal to God, now that’s a laugh.

Get a clue those of you who pray to God’s Holy Angels. Jesus Christ is our High Priest, the veil has been torn, because of Jesus Christ we go to Him and the Holy Spirit, the helper and comforter that He promised He would send us because He was going to the Father: God, Our Creator.

Jesus Christ says no one gets to the Father, God, The Creator, except through Him (Jesus Christ) and the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit, supernaturally administered by Jesus Christ, is the fact that we get to worship God in truth: Spirit to Spirit.

Deuteronomy 4:24
New King James Version
24 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

Revelation 22:8-9
New King James Version
Now I, John, [a]saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
Then he [the angel] said to me, “See that you do not do that. [b]For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

Hebrews 4:14-16
New King James Version
Our Compassionate High Priest
14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Food for Thought!

Noteworthy: Daniel and Joseph were fervent prayers, they prayed to God, recall Daniel’s fasting and the Angel, sent by God had battled through warfare to get to Daniel, the Angel was heeding the word of God who sent him. Worshiping anyone or anything other than God, The Creator, is an act of idolatry.

Spiritual Warfare

Acts of oppression and depression stems from demonic spirits and until one identifies with these spirits of darkness then you are a slave to Satan. More importantly, your action defines who you are worshiping: God or Satan.

Ephesians 6:12
New King James Version
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Do not take my word on this. Do your own research. Read the bible. Do not be deceived by man or woman because we are mere servants of God and so are the angels. The truth lies in the word of God, the bible. Whatever you do not understand ask, seek and knock for wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I say this with compassion and love. God tells us in His word that his people perish from lack of knowledge.

In conclusion, at my best guesstimate, I had only seen my God-mother (Ella Ruth) twice in over 50 years. I know that God used her during her short stay in my home as a means to “stand-in-the-gap” on behalf of the many others who are displaced due to Hurricanes Laura and Delta and victims yet again by insurance companies denying their claims or delaying their claims; and too, the acts of corruption within our Government and the slow process of receiving FEMA funds. I reached out to the Heads of the Housing Authority and her Insurance Company via letters coupled with prayers. Then God took the matter over from there. In the name of Jesus Christ.

Noteworthy: By one’s actions and words, authority is either granted or taken away from Satan. God opens doors and God closes doors too. Are you lukewarm in your relationship with God: The Holy Trinity? Do you give Satan the means to have his way with you by your actions and words, life and death is in the power of the tongue.

The Fear of God is so powerful against Satan and his agents.

God’s Dunamis Warrior Princess
Travailing and Intercessory Prayer Warrior

Linda Abele, 12/28/2020